Using RocketUnits GUI

The motivation behind RocketUnits is to allow for the quick copy and paste of conversions for physical unit values in the desired number format.

Because the values are listed in ascending order, RocketUnits also gives at-a-glance intuition as to the relative size of different units.


To use RocketUnits, select a units Category, for example Length as shown below.

The full complement of physical unit categories includes; Acceleration, Angle, AngVelocity, Area, DeltaT, Density, ElementDensity, Energy, Specific Energy, Force, Frequency, Heat Capacity, Heat Transfer Coefficient, Isp, Length, Mass, MassFlow, Molecular Weight, Power, Pressure, Surface Tension, Temperature, Thermal Conductivity, Time, Velocity, Viscosity_Dynamic, Viscosity_Kinematic, Volume, and VolumeFlow.

Note that new categories and units can be added by editing the file

Categories Selection


Then select the desired reference Units as shown below.

Units Selection


Enter the Value of the reference Units and see all the resulting values of other units in the Category.

Value Entry

Number Format

Select the desired number format from the drop-down selector shown below.

Number Format Selection

Examples from the Length Cagegory are shown below.

Number Format Comparison

Importing RocketUnits

Unit conversion can be performed either with the GUI, or directly from python by importing RocketUnits.

The following code demonstrates how to call rocket_units.convert_value from a python file.

from rocketunits.rocket_units import convert_value

def disp( val, inp_units, out_units ):
    # use convert_value to convert inp_units to out_units
    ans = convert_value(val, inp_units, out_units)

    print( f'{val} {inp_units} = {ans} {out_units}' )

# convert_value gives the following output

disp( 180, 'deg', 'rad' )      # ==> 180 deg = 3.1415926535820002 rad

disp( 100, 'rpm', 'deg/s' )    # ==> 100 rpm = 600.0 deg/s

disp( 1, 'lbm/in**3', 'g/ml' ) # ==> 1 lbm/in**3 = 27.6799047102 g/ml